Massage heals not only our body, but also our soul.
It helps to restore health and vitality, gives peace, tranquility. Both adults and children equally need it, both people with ailments and healthy people. Massage courses will not only help you do a good massage at home, but will also become a solid foundation for the possible start of your own practice. In recent years, there has been an increased interest in non-pharmacological methods for the prevention and treatment of diseases, including massage. The expediency of using massage is justified by its physiological essence. Massage affects not only surface tissues, but also internal organs, therefore massage is an effective method of preventing and treating diseases, accelerates the adaptation of functional systems, organs and tissues to great physical exertion, stress, and environmental influences.

The benefits of massage
Regardless of the type of massage, after its application, the skin condition, blood circulation improves, muscle tone increases or decreases (in accordance with the purpose of the massage).
Specialized therapeutic massage can lead to healing of joints or internal organs.
In other words, massage has both a main effect and a concomitant one. For example, the main purpose of a head massage is to relieve pain or tension. However, when it is performed, an additional positive effect occurs: getting rid of dandruff, improving the condition of the hair and enhancing their growth.

Contraindications for therapeutic massage (general massage):
• acute febrile conditions, inflammatory and purulent process of any localization, high temperature;
• bleeding and tendency to them;
• pathology of the skin, nails, scalp, as well as damage, irritation, abrasions and cracks;
• varicose veins with trophic disorders, thrombosis;
• acute pain and causalgia (pain syndromes caused by damage to the peripheral nerve);
• respiratory diseases (after them, massage is not allowed for another five days);
• inflammation of the lymphatic vessels;
• angiitis, angioneuroses, atherosclerosis of the arteries of the legs with trophic disorders;
• mental illness;
• systemic blood diseases, hemophilia, benign and malignant tumors of various localization;
• aneurysms of the vessels of the brain, heart, aorta, peripheral vessels, insufficiency of cerebral circulation of the third stage, severe sclerosis of the cerebral vessels with a tendency to thrombosis and hemorrhage;
• acute periods of hypertensive or hypotensive crisis, myocardial ischemia, bronchiectasis, pulmonary heart failure of the third degree, pulmonary edema, pulmonary embolism;
• exacerbation of diseases of the autonomic nervous system (gangliolitis, diencephalic crisis);
• General severe conditions in various diseases and injuries, osteomyelitis;
• diseases of the female genital area, abdominal organs (ulcer);
• trauma;
• alcohol intoxication.
In addition, there are a number of contraindications for massage of certain parts of the body. So if you have any doubts whether to massage or not, it is better to consult with your doctor or directly with the massage therapist. A qualified specialist will always give an exhaustive answer and determine the degree of possible risk.